Installation view


设计师:nonplace studio、沈军




The Larva of Time
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) at NYU Shanghai, 2024/06/21 - 2024/08/24

Organizer: The Berggruen Research Center at Peking University
Curator: Iris LONG
Artists/Scientists: BAI Shunong, GUO Cheng, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Wenxin
Designers: nonplace studio, SHEN Jun

The Larva of Time is an interdisciplinary curatorial and research project, realized as part of the “Creative Futures” initiative at the Berggruen Research Center at Peking University and exhibited in partnership with the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) at NYU Shanghai. Commenced in the summer of 2022, The Larva of Time invited artists and scientists to investigate unnoticed temporal imprints in the processes of artistic and scientific research, exploring the contextual resonances between art and science. Curated by 2022-23 Berggruen Fellow Iris Long, the exhibition features eleven works, co-created by the exhibiting artists and scientists BAI Shunong, GUO Cheng, ZHANG Wei, and ZHANG Wenxin, all derived from the project’s research and commissions.

Time, an epistemological subject of shared interest among the four participants, has multiple manifestations in this project, ranging from the surface residues of microorganisms to bifurcations and diversity on an evolutionary scale to Earth's shifting geological and ecological epochs. The introduction of the book Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet (University of Minnesota Press, 2017) proposes a concept of time in which contemporary humans sweep across the world, bringing “multiple times” rather than constructing a singular future. Each version of time leaves distinct marks on the Earth, and this conception of time aligns with the temporal notions examined in the exhibition. The Larva of Time is a shared contemplation of metamorphosis, an intimate yet expansive invisible cocoon created by two artists and two scientists over nearly two years through correspondence, visits, dialogues, and fieldwork.

These plural times could be technological, geological, biological, entangled, and buried. Unlike common modes of collaboration between art and science, this project regards the participants as co-creators rather than merely using science as a source of material or a provider of technology, tools, or experiments. The four participants interweave their creative and research processes, temporarily setting aside their original identities and habits. The foundation of this project is not simply interdisciplinary; it is an attempt at something "pre-disciplinary," something imperfect, unfinished, and larval.



Pupa Stone
Aluminum, ball screws, stepper motors, LED, custom circuits, custom software, mixed media

A pillar that looks like a core sample slowly rotates at the center of a peculiar triangular device. Framed green films move up and down its surface, gradually unveiling enigmatic patterns that hint at both markings and totems. It seems to imply that the vast diversity of species today may trace back to a common ancestor.



此装置以一个悬挂形似蛹的帐篷为主体,内部装有多根LED灯管 ,内部由多根LED灯管照亮,使其一面看上去像灯诱布,另一面则仿佛隐约显现出化蛹过程中的定格图景。装置放置在地下一楼的楼梯口处,成为观众下楼后看到的第一个光源,接近作品的过程仿佛夜间的昆虫被灯光所吸引,暗示着观众主体性从人到“昆虫”的微妙转换。

The Moon
Tent, Fabric, Alumium, LED, mixed media

Several hypotheses explain why insects (especially Lepidoptera) are attracted to and gather around light sources at night. One such hypothesis suggests that insects navigate using moonlight. Mistaking artificial lights for the moon and attempting to maintain a constant flight angle, they are ultimately drawn to the light source.

This installation features a suspended tent in the shape of a chrysalis, illuminated internally by LED tubes. The tent looks like a moth-attracting cloth on one side, while the other side subtly reveals a snapshot of the pupation process. Placed at the entrance to the basement staircase, it is the first light source that visitors see as they descend, mimicking the way nocturnal insects are attracted to light. This approach suggests a transformation in the viewers' subjectivity from human to “insect.”

占位者 No.1


Niche Squatter No. 1
Gear shift, aluminum, LCD screen, mixed media
An ecological niche is the role that a species plays within its ecosystem, detailing how it interacts with the environment, competes for resources, and adapts to its surroundings. With the rise in human activity, artificial objects now dynamically engage with the environment on various scales. For example, roads in natural environments cut off wildlife migration routes and alter surface drainage, while the installation of wind turbines changes local airflows, potentially affecting the behavior of birds and insects. This project explores the concept of “niche occupiers,” discussing how human activities and man-made objects partially take on the role of or replace the original species within ecological niches, thereby altering the structure and function of ecosystems and impacting biodiversity.

占位者 No.2
Niche Squatter No. 2
Wind turbine blades, cables, tin, LCD screen, mixed media

雾取 No.1

Fog Basker No. 1
Aluminum, custom hardware, mixed media

Fog Basker is cast from recycled aluminum, its form a fusion of vertebrae, plants, and the patterns of larvae. Dew slowly condenses on a small smooth part of its surface, and then drips off. The piece envisions a functional man-made object discarded in nature. As water droplets continuously form on the metal surface, it might attract various creatures seeking water. Over time, repeated contact and friction between the metal and these creatures gradually smooth the surface, much like the paws of a stone lion at a temple gate.

雾取 No.2
Fog Basker No. 2
Aluminum, custom hardware, mixed media