







The Park
Solo Show, Sifang Art Museum

This is a park. Here, visitors will see the inner structure of nature. Radiation emanated into the air, and geological strata that have been mined, it probes human traces beneath the natural surface in search of any physical evidence that records the entanglement between human beings and nature. Perhaps, we can also call it a dissection installation of nature.

Guo Cheng has long contemplated the impact of technology on human beings and the environment, especially the ones whose effects far exceed the physical capacity of human beings. Based on the remnants of those technologies, geologists of our time have declared Anthropocene as an official subdivision of geologic time. In this new era, it not only means that human power can match that of the ocean, the Earth's crust, and the monsoon, but also implies that men cannot have full control over their own creation—technology used to be a means of monitoring nature into homeostasis that is similar to the skeleton or a thermostatic system, but now we cannot evade the metabolic dysfunction which is shown in the offset of effect from its original purpose.

Hence, we shall say that this park is not a park designed for humans. What it shows is an absolute presence of technological products. All the physical evidence that has outlived human existence—the waiting for the radioactive waste emitted from nuclear tests of the last century to decay back to a natural level, or the construing of an object covered by cement as a crystallized amber in the future—points to an epistemological dilemma: how should we approach the technological products on a cosmic timescale after human’s absence? Meanwhile, as the technology of the contemporary age is shifting towards an almost a priori, intelligent-agency mode of development, the aforementioned epistemological dilemma likewise exists in a non-empiricist origin: once human beings are no longer able to measure the actual potential of technology (for its mechanism and aftermath) through their application, then technology seems to become a mysterious, absurd and catch-22 situation to us.

There stands the “oracle” installation at the entrance of the park, consisting of a real random number generator that reacts to ionizing radiation, a twisted “sculpture” that is made of photos processed by artificial intelligence, a windmill base that is hard to tell whether it is being dismantled or built—they are located outside of the field of meaning, in a barren yet self-consistent space.

It is under this context that Guo Cheng’s park captures the reality of technology this day: technology is an external survival system for human beings and at the same time an object independent of people. If we strive to understand the ultimate meaning of technology under this context, then we must imagine a perspective far beyond the scope of humans in order to observe the origin of technology and the totality of its aftereffects.

This is a park. If the visitor takes a bird’s-eye view from above, then they will realize that its landscape takes inspiration from the patterns of a butterfly. But the park itself does not prompt such a viewing perspective. The reason lies in the normalcy of human beings, that we are constantly only one step behind our terminal goal, in need of that one last permission or technology to close the remaining distance.

Text by Huang Pojan