


软件开发: 陈立立

特别致谢: 陈立立, 姚翔, 原语里弄

The Weather Consensus

Blockchain test network, Customized software, Customized circuits, Neon lights, Computers, Raspberry Pi, Steel frames

In terms of its technical structure, the blockchain can be observed as a distributed “ledger” in which data is recorded by consensus at different nodes on a network and is fundamentally tamper-proof. Climatic data is a form of temporal data that cannot be re-validated once obtained. As a result, applying the blockchain to record climatic data can be seen as a means to truthfully write history. Various incidents regarding climatic data disputes have occurred in China over the past few years. For instance, the air pollution index self-measured and published by the United States Embassy in Beijing instigated a public discussion and widespread concern in 2021, as it contradicted the official Chinese data; during the long heatwave in the summer of 2022, extreme temperatures reported on mobile apps were refuted by the local government multiple times; meanwhile, labor disputes while working under high temperatures occur frequently each year. The installation entitled The Weather Consensus builds a private blockchain using devices with identical hardware conditions, such as nodes, each responsible for obtaining information from different climatic data sources. Blocks are generated between nodes under the PoW consensus mechanism as they seize the power that is recorded in the blockchain database, the results of which are then broadcast. This artwork attempts to examine and discuss justice and trust enabled by the decentralized structure of the blockchain, as well as the paradox engendered by the connection between the blockchain and data from the real world or skewed by bias, and the unpredictable consequences it might induce such as the reinforcement of data hegemony, among many others.

Software development: CHEN Lili

Special Thanks to CHEN Lili, YAO Xiang, and Primitives Lane.